Fortunately the problem happened when it did since we could divert our course to swing by Bermuda to pick up a systems expert and equipment to fix it. Had we been in the middle of the Atlantic, we would have had to wait until we got to Portugal. We had sailed 928 nautical miles to Bermuda from Ft. Lauderdale. It is sill another 2704 nautical miles to Lisbon.
Apparently we couldn’t enter Bermuda waters. We had to hang off-shore in international waters until a small boat could deliver the technician and the parts. His flight had been delayed. He finally arrived late Sunday night to the cheers of many who were leaning over the railings watching the mini-drama.
So that’s why you haven’t heard from me either by email or this blog. I have been writing every day, so I will post those notes now.
I am a happy cabin camper now that I am connected.
While still on the cruise, posts will be more topical than blow by blow activities. There is a lot to share.
At Sea at Last—April 3rd
After a lovely breakfast and a friendly briefing given by our tour director, Sarah, we boarded the bus for Port Everglades. The trip through Miami to Ft. Lauderdale didn’t take much time at all. Before we knew it, we were in line going through security and checking in, getting our boarding pass which will be our charge card and cabin key as well.
Only one glitch…the computer went down, so they couldn’t scan the cards to allow us on board. It was fixed in a relatively short time, and I got on board and found my cabin pronto.
I like where I am. I am on the Main Deck, in the middle of the ship, not too far from elevators. Two decks up is the ship library and internet room, but I am close enough to a hot spot to get it right here in my cabin.
One problem—using the internet on board ship is EXPENSIVE. How about 40 cents a minute!!! And that’s the cheapest rate if you purchase $100 worth of time. Oh well, I have gone to too much trouble not to use it as much as I want. I will forego drinking. A glass of wine = 13 minutes of internet time.
However, they are having some kind of computer trouble, and I can’t set up an account or get logged on until tomorrow.
Another first day cruise ritual—boat drills.
We finally got under way around 6:30 p.m. Two hours later than planned. So while the sun was going down, we left Florida and headed out to sea. ***** **** **** ****
Ship Computer Problems Continue—April 4th
10:30 a.m.
He has gotten a relatively calm sea so far. I couldn’t sense any movement last night. However, the wind was really brisk before we even left port in Ft. Lauderdale, so I expected rough water. I couldn’t resist taking this picture of the wind whipping up the skirts of this lady. She was having too much fun to notice the wind or me.
The computer geeks are really restless. Just now the Captain announced that the computer system is shot, perhaps as a result of several power surges while in port. Also, there seems to be a glitch with the satellite system as well. Since we are “fairly” close to Bermuda, he is going to change course to make a stop in Bermuda where they will fly in computer/satellite system parts and an expert who will come on board and hopefully get the system operational again.
We are expected to arrive in Bermuda tomorrow (Sunday) night around 6:30 p.m. Stay tuned.
**** ***** **** ******
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Since it is Palm Sunday, I went to mass this morning. The priest is from Boston, and he will be saying mass every day through out the cruise, which is nice, especially since this is the beginning of Holy Week. He is also planning on providing an Easter Vigil Mass Saturday night and a sunrise mass on Easter Sunday, the day we arrive at Lisbon, so we can make our early shore excursions departures.
After breakfast, I went on tour of the ship’s kitchen where they prepare 11,000 meals A DAY! (I won’t prepare that many meals for the next ten years.)
The results are all kinds of food all day and night. I have been on board for 48 hours and have already over-dosed. The temptations abound. I hope I am over it now and will be more restrained—at least during Holy Week.
I will write a later post just on the kitchen and the food—a major part of any cruise.
I also went to a lecture, learned to line dance, went to a cooking demonstration, and a show. Each of these will produce future topical posts.
I apologize for this long post, but it is really three posts in one. After we get online, they will be more frequent and less lengthy with more photos.
You are online, rejoice! I am glad you are having fun and not bored with so much sea water!!!