Friday, March 20, 2009

A Blog is Launched

Seems appropriate to launch a blog in a Land Yacht! I am sitting in my Air Stream Land Yacht on my way home from the FMCA International Rally in Perry, Georgia.

This rural campground near Lake City, Florida, is quite a contrast to the FMCA parking. At FMCA, there were over 3,000 coaches. Here there are only three of us...shared with a peacock and some goats.

The peacock was admiring himself in the reflection of my wheelcover.

The goat was admiring me.

The main reason I went to the FMCA rally was to take as many seminars presented by Jim and Chris Guld (better known as Geeks on Tour). I managed to get to five of the six they presented (all were excellent). You can get hand-outs and how-to videos at their website.

One seminar was about creating blogs. So I thought I might as well start now since there is not too much to do at this campground after you see the peacocks and goats. I am also using Picasa 3 for editing the photos used here, which was another seminar presented by the Geeks.

I am naming this blog Wandering West since I love to travel, and the focus of this blog will be my travels. I am setting this up now so I can keep a journal of my trips... the next one being a 30-day trans-Atlantic/ Mediterranean cruise stopping in 16 ports in Portugal, Spain, Monte Carlo, Italy, Dubrovnik, several Greek isles, Athens, Ephesus (Turkey), Sicily...ending in Rome. Here's a map of my itinerary:

I depart on April 2nd and will return to Florida on May 2nd. So check back if you are interested in following my wanderings.


  1. You GO, woman!!! Go! Write, Woman! Write! Photograph, Woman! Photograph! BLOG, Woman! BLOG!!!

    Living vicarously through your blog....

  2. Gail,

    I'm following your blog every step of the way as you wander! I'm leaving in later August/early September to head across the pond so any travel tips and highlights on your wonderful cruise will be much appreciated.

    Yee-haw! Have SOOO much fun as you wander!!

    Judy Lee

  3. The day is here. Have fun, I'll be waiting for details. Write much!

  4. Oh,well. Good beginning. Overweight suitcases are never a problem...just PAY! Will continue to follow your travels.

  5. I'll continue to follow GWW when I return from Atlanta at the end of the week. I hope now that you are unpacked etc. all is going well! Cynthia
